Portrayed by Helena Bonham Carter, Enid delves deep into the psyche of the dedicated writer. From her early life as a trainee teacher, sending her stories to publishers, such as Hugh Pollock (Matthew Macfadyen), her journey of validation and alienation is a captivating tale of achievement.
THE ADVENTURE SERIES: Join Enid Blyton’s characters Philip, Lucy-Ann, Dinah and Jack as they set out on holiday to discover mysterious islands, navigate treacherous rivers and scale craggy mountain tops. Testing grand themes of courage and heroism, these independent and intrepid children venture forth from the valley to the sea and set sail in the name and true spirit of fun and above all – friendship.
THE SECRET SERIES: Team up with eccentric explorer Thaddeus Arnold and his four children–Jack, Peggy, Mike and Laura as they embark on a perilous expedition to discover lost civilizations in Africa, mount a challenge against a villain’s plan to overthrow an esteemed king and pluck up the courage to foil a crazed scientist’s attempt at world domination.